Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Major life decision

I've decided I want to live until the nation's tricentennial in 2076. This will put me at 88 years old. I think I can make it. That is all for now.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On breaks

I'm on break at work as I write this, and it's interesting how different my thought process is while on break than at any other time. How long do I have left? What should I do? Will I be able to make it through the rest of the shift? Instead of enjoying the time off, it suddenly becomes almost more stressful than staying at work would be. The one major advantage to a break is not having to work--but this is offset by not being paid. It's interesting how different my outlook is while on break versus when I get out of work for the day. Yet still, for some reason, I enjoy my breaks. I'd go crazy without them on long double-shifts like today. I wonder if there's anything of value to these wonderings...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Supposed former media infatuation junkie

I just set up a formspring account at Not entirely sure why, but check it out and let's see if it's fun!